About Halloween
Halloween, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Eve, is a celebration observed around the globe in late October. It begins the observance of Allhallowtide, basically a feast dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the departed.
It is theoretically believed that Halloween traditions were influenced by the Gaelic festival Samhain, which is said to have pagan origins. Some suggest that Samhain may have been Christianized as All Hallow’s Day, by the early Church. Some believe Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, being the vigil of All Hallow’s Day.
At present though, it is celebrated as more of a pop-culture festival rather than a religious symbol in many communities around the world. It is very much so in the case of Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country. People here just want to enjoy a day full of festivities and attractions. And, there should be nothing wrong with that!

About Spooky Halloween Night
There have been Halloween events in Bangladesh in the past. They have their achievements, and also a fair share of controversies. Well, let’s not talk about them because the upcoming Spooky Halloween Night is a promising event in its own right.
Although, the word ‘Night’ is present it will be a day-long festival. That is basically the norm for pop-culture events. Starting in the late morning and ending in the early stages of the night.
Spooky Halloween Night is going to be held on the 28th of October at Chef’s Table Courtside. As per practice, a Facebook event page has already been created and the hype is growing day by day. Since it is being held on a Friday, lots of people will be able to go there and enjoy a day full of festivities.

Event Attractions and Activities
Not a lot has been revealed about the Halloween event yet. But some information is already out. Let’s take look at what we know so far.
There will be Cosplay performances and competitions. This particular segment is synonymous with every pop-culture event in our country. Bangladesh Association of Cosplayers (BAC) is the Cosplay partner, being the most prominent Cosplay Organization of Bangladesh having been invited and sent their members to participate in World Cosplay Summit Saudi Exhibition Event most recently. Cosplayers have been invited to register and compete for the spots of 40 finalists for the Spooky Halloween Night. And the prize pool is a whooping 40,000 taka.
An art competition is also launched based on the Halloween theme and the winners will get free entry to the event along with other prizes.
We have also been informed of a Halloween themed face paint competition. The winners will get free entry, gift hampers, and t-shirts.
These are all we know about the event for now, but some rumors regarding decorations and other attractions are circulating. We have inside news that Halloween themed Gothic decorations have been planned and being executed already. Some interactive games will be present as well. Last but not the least, a haunted house experience for the visitors will be there.

Event Partners
We are informed of the following partners for the event.
- BAC – Cosplay Partner
- Deshi Geek – Magazine Partner
- 2GO – Ticketing Partner
- AnimeCon Dhaka – Community Partner
- Dhaka Pop & Cosplay Fest – Community Partner
- MegaCon Bangladesh – Community Partner
What to expect!
If you ask me, it’s going to be an amazing day for pop-culture enthusiasts, especially for gothic and horror fans! Like-minded people with shared interests gathering for a day, enjoying the attractions & activities, and going back home with a tired but satisfied smile. Let’s hope Spooky Halloween Night exceeds our expectations and gives us a day to remember!