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Doreen Vincita Shopping Complex Shop-6 (Ground Floor), Plot-4, 60 feet main road, Rupnagar R/A, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216

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Ero Senpai - Deshi Geek

Ero Senpai The Bright Spark Of ACC23

Choity Chakma or more commonly known as ‘Ero Senpai’ is a highly talented and looked-up-to cosplayer from Chattogram. Her cosplay

Dhaka Summer Con 2023 - Deshi Geek

Dhaka Summer Con 2023 – Heightened Stakes, Epic Mediocrity

Dhaka Summer Con 2023, an event that came like thunder and made an example for the pop culture scene whether

AnimeCon Chattogram 2023 - Deshi Geek

AnimeCon Chattogram 2023, Sakura Of Hope

AnimeCon Chattogram 2023 is just around the corner and it is named ‘Sakura’ just like the Dhaka edition. The Sakura

Ahnaf Sami - Deshi Geek

Ahnaf Sami, 1 Amazing Epic Saga

“I don’t even know what I’m gonna do up there,” said Ahnaf Sami, ill with heat exhaustion, to me as

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023 - Deshi Geek

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023, Dreamy Sakura Wilts Amid Scorching Heatwaves

It has already been two weeks since we experienced the ill-fated AnimeCon Dhaka 2023. The hottest day (arguably) in June

Edriko Rickson - Deshi Geek

Edriko Rickson, 1 Spunky Astonishing Journey

Edriko Rickson, a name you most definitely have heard if you have even the slightest bit of connection to the

Aoi Tsubasa - Deshi Geek

Aoi Tsubasa: 1st Flight, Notable New Heights

You would be correct to guess that the story of Aoi Tsubasa seems to be out of a shonen manga,

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023 Sakura - Deshi Geek

AnimeCon Dhaka, 7 Specials To Fawn Over

AnimeCon Dhaka is a festival to promote Japanese anime/manga culture in Bangladesh. The event bears some similarities with the ‘Summer

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023: Sakura Blooms This Summer With New Hopes And Expectations!

AnimeCon Dhaka 2023 is the recurring anime event of the hugely popular AnimeCon franchise. Amid heat waves and sunlit showers,

Island Season 2 - Deshi Geek

Island Season 2 On The Horizon

On the offset, Island Season 2 On The Horizon is the same age-old story where a few of the righteous